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Meet Faith

Let me introduce you to Faith ~

Sorry, she’s not the tall, sweet blonde with blue eyes who lives on the other side of the floor. 

No, Faith is the beautiful belief that dwells within you.

Faith is one of those “F” words which has been pushed aside by Frustration and Fear.
In Mark 12, verse 22 ~ 24, Jesus says

“Have Faith in God…What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye shall have them.”
One associates Faith with God; but Faith can be belief/trust in yourself ~ you are a reflection of your Creator.

When there is Faith, there is no place for fear, the two can’t be roommates! A total no-no! Life has become a fight between Foe and Friend, Fear and Faith.

Why is it that we waste so much of our energy on FEAR? Unnecessarily, we provide it rent-free space in our minds! From where did this sudden generosity occur?

Fear, My Dear, as you might have heard, is basically:


A little simple math:


Don’t stop yourself in your tracks, Sweetie. You weren’t meant to stay comfy in your pj’s slumped on a couch with your attached ‘limb,’ the remote control or Iphone. You are here to share your gift with passion to the world. So put on your Jimmy Choo’s and start living life to the fullest!

You, My Dear, have a bigger game to play ~ Your Creator has plans for you!

Be a Faith Fairy, wave your magic wand and watch miracles perform in your life.
Earlier this month, my Guru was to give his farewell sermon in New Jersey before he departed back to India. The service was to be held at 7:30 p.m., 12 miles from my home. When I reached work, I found out that there was a hurricane alert for our area until 5 p.m. “Well by 5 it should be fine,” I keep assuring myself. At lunch time leaves were blowing everywhere in the City, it started getting dark and even sprinkled. I watched my mind playing a battle between fear and Faith. It was in vivid colors, sharper than the Ipad. Fear, like little goblins in Pac-Man, was chewing up my Faith, my poor Pac-Man!

I kept checking the weather. The forecast had changed. Oh Dear! Thunderstorms were expected up to 7 p.m.! Deep breaths. I called a friend who lived near the Center and she said it was nice and the storm must have gone away. It wasn’t even raining there. I searched on the Internet for buses to the Center as a backup, but it would take me 2+ hours to get home after the service! Fear was playing games, I remembered the last time I went to the Center, there were thunderstorms and heavy rain and my wipers weren’t working well! I was terrified driving home in the dark late at night. When we don’t have faith in ourselves, we open the door for negative thoughts and fear to fly in.

Then all of sudden, Pac-Man (Faith) swallowed up the little goblins (fear)! Yay!

I said, “Yes, I am going to do it – I am so worried about something that might not even happen. I will put on my oils, chant my mantras and drive!”

As soon as I got home, I grabbed my car key and left. I wanted to get half way to the Center before it got dark or the thundershowers started. I reached safely. Praise to the Lord! Yes! I did it!! High Five!!! FAITH! FAITH! FAITH!

When the service was over, I could see the leaves starting to rustle and didn’t bother to chat with anyone, but rushed home. The roads were perfectly clear, people were at home because of the expected inclement weather. I made it in record time ~ no crazy drivers with high beams, no thunderstorms ~ MIRACLE!

As soon as I entered my building, I noticed a few drops on my windshield and exclaimed, “Thank you, Lord!” He had protected me and brought me home safely! As soon as I got out of the car, the dark sky opened, and let the rain out with a roar of thunder! I was dancing with joy! I made it ~ Me and My Faith made it!
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; the fear of failure.”
~ Paul Coelho
Believe and Achieve!
This guest blog,which I had submitted earlier last month, was published on the day I was sitting by my father's hospital bed.   It was a gentle reminder from the Universe at the time I needed it most.

Let us keep the flame of faith strong and forever kindled.


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