Laughter Yoga is a unique total workout which has become a worldwide phenomenon with more than 6,000 social laughter clubs in 65 countries.
In Laughter Yoga one can laugh for no reason at all. It starts out with simulated laughter, with a little childlike playfulness, which turns into a genuine and contagious laughter. The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits.
Laughter Yoga has become a "hot" topic of discussion in the media. There was a segment on the Oprah Winfrey Show; couple of weeks ago Dr. Oz did some laughter yoga on his show; and today CNN released a feature on Laughter Yoga! Please click on the link below:
Laughter Yoga:
* Relieves Stress
* Reduces Pain
* Aids Digestion
* Improves Sleep
* Lowers Blood Pressure
* Improves Circulation
* Burns Lots of Calories
* Increases Lung Capacity
* Is Anti-Aging
* Boosts Immune System
* Beats Depression
* Clears Negativity
* Improves Attitude
* Develops Personality
* Connects People
* Fosters Happiness
After having experienced first hand that laughter is truly the best medicine, I quickly signed up to become a laughter yoga leader so that I, too, could share this wonderful method of releasing endorphins! Ho! Ho! Ha! Ha! Ha! Next time you feel wiped out, watch Seinfeld or Lucy, or hang out with a couple of funny friends!
Dr. Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, was in New York recently. I had the opportunity to meet him and enjoy a class conducted by the Laughter Guru himself.
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