Two weeks ago, Organic Avenue opened a new store on Lexington Avenue (and 55th). I have been so excited ever since I heard it was coming and couldn't wait for opening day! It's a vegan diva's delight! Raw, healthy deserts (is there such a thing, really?), freshly pressed juices, nut mlyks along with wholesome, tempting treats! Their menu is called "the LOVE* menu" -- Live. Organic. Vegan. Experience. As soon as I entered, I was greeted with a green juice sample - fresh with a nice hint of ginger. Although the place is pricey, it's a welcoming healthy option and offers a different variety of fresh food than the regular eyesores in midtown, i.e., pizza, burgers, and deli's. I browsed through the store, checking out all future snack options, until I heard the Chia Seed Tapioca calling me. Hmm! Couldn't decide between the Blueberry Chia Seed Tapioca and the Vanilla Chia Seed Tapioca. Decisions...
Quick and simple bites of information for improved health and well-being, one spoonful at a time.